In an episode first aired on February 7, 2022: DJ Andrew Sandoval presents a bespoke selection of 45's for your listening pleasure including sides by Teddy & The Pandas; The Del Satins; Pretty People; Rumbles Ltd.; Sounds Unlimited; The American Scene; Harry Deal & The Galaxies; The NJ Orange; The Doodletown Pipers; Sundae; Rick Jarrard; Mouse & The Traps; The Symbols; The Illusive Dream; Particular People; Wonderland; Sun Dragon; Fairytale; Asylum Choir and The Third Rail.

In the Sunshine Spotlight: Songwriter/Producers John Madara & David White. Examples of their work from 1962-1969 include performances by: The Outcasts; The Sterlings; Johnny Caswell; The Wreck-A-Mended; The Wildflower; Maureen Gray; Johnny Madara; Len Barry; Johnny Young; Lesley Gore; Dusty Springfield; Bunny Sigler; The Spokesmen; The Sidekicks; The Fortunes and The Sweet Three.