Découvrez à travers une interview l'association Cosplayeurs & Co, collectif d'artistes (acteurs, photographes, vidéastes, costumiers. Allez jeter un oeil à la page Ulule de Girls, Gods & Monsters vol.4 de Julien Hugonnard-Bert et pour finir rendez-vous sur Paris pour une exposition consacré à Batman et à ses différents costumes.
- Emissions
- Comics Bazar
- Comics Bazar #20
Publié le par Vivien Descamps
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
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we're not working - why should you?
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"Let The Music Speak"
Troostradio - een initiatief van Zuylen Uitvaartverzorging Breda, verzorgt online naast een radiostation ook een podcast, waar je 24/7 kunt luisteren naar troostende, verzachtende muziek. Radiostation: https://zuylen.nl/troostradioPodcast: https://tinyurl.com/38htys2pFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/troostradio.nl/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/troostradio/Overzicht: https://linktr.ee/frits365
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iHeartRadio's Top Songs of the week for Country
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The Runcast with John Richards
The Runcast with John Richards
We believe that everyone who runs should have a great soundtrack. Not one curated by an algorithm, but one that’s hand-picked by a DJ who runs too. The Runcast with John Richards brings you a dynamic mix of music and inspiration to keep you company and motivate you on your run, no matter what your level.
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The Master's Metal
Music To Conquer The Darkness!
NEW Website:
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The Eternal Now with Andy Ortmann | WFMU
WFMU presents contemporary experimental, psychedelic, noise, obscure music.
A comprehensive exploration of contemporary experimental, psychedelic, noise & other obscure music. Hosted by Andy Ortmann (curator of the Nihilist Records label and member of longtime noise project Panicsville) presenting his obsessive perspective on the new difficult music. Peripheral and relating genres, including ethereal, electronic & extreme metal should also be expected in this weekly program. Sit back and relax into the hallucination amplification of The Eternal Now.
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