The Blue Ridge Music Trails’ Fine Tuned project is a mentorship and collaboration-based project aimed at professional development for emerging artists playing traditional music in Western North Carolina. For this episode, we spent time with Bayla Davis and her mentor, Cary Fridley, to learn more about their work together. These two women have worked together to blend their voices, to explore strategies to enhance their personal expression, and to refine their musical goals for the future.
- Emissions
- Down the Road on the Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina
- Episode 20: Fine Tuned: Bayla Davis and Cary Fridley
Publié le par Blue Ridge Music Trails
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Nice stuff that smart people have said about UMC:
"As pop critics, Snapes and McAlpine have plenty of background information and anecdotes to augment their rundown of the week’s chart. If only all playground debates about music had been so well informed." -- Caroline Crampton, The New Statesman (
"While the charts have become both confused and sidelined in recent years, they’re still an invaluable insight into the machinations of the music industry, something this pod proves in gratifyingly informed style." -- The Guardian Guide (
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