Chuck Edwards - "Downtown Soulville" - 45
Music behind DJ:
Mack Johnson Combo - "Hot Pickles" - 45
Johnny Brown - "Cop Myself a Scarfe" - 45
The Earthworms - "Mo' Taters" - 45
Shades of Rhythm - "Gumbo" - 45
The Emersons - "Hungry" - 45
H. Bomb Ferguson & His Mad Lads - "Spaghetti, and Meat Ball" - 45
Music behind DJ:
The Ramrocks - "Lasagna" - 45
The Crowd - "Food" - 45
Calvin Newborn - "Buckwheat Cakes" - 45
Eddy Ware - "Lima Beans" - 45
Music behind DJ:
Allen Greene - "Neck Bones" - 45
Music behind DJ:
Jimmie Martin and the Party Makers - "Mashin Grapes" - 45
Little Johnny Clark - "Black Coffee" - 45
Carmen McRae - "Smirnoff Mule" - 45
George Kirby - "(I Want Some) Meat on My Tomatoes" - 45
Johnny Watson - "Soul Food" - 45
Johnny Rodgers - "Soul Food" - 45
Music behind DJ:
Amos Boynton and the ABC's - "Onion Rings" - 45
Claude & Samuel - "Potatoes" - 45
Gunga Din - "Crabcakes" - 45
Lonnie Youngblood - "Soul Food (That's What I Like)" - 45
Albert Jones - "I'm Busting Nuts" - 45
Music behind DJ:
Kenny Smith & the Loveliters - "Soup Bone" - 45
The Leopards - "Mah Mah Chicken Pot Pie" - 45
Publié le par Mr. Fine Wine and WFMU
(C) 2024 Mr. Fine Wine and WFMU
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