Chuck Edwards - "Downtown Soulville" - 45 [0:00:00]
Music behind DJ:
Earl Daye & Sensations - "Coffee Grinder" - 45 [0:04:32]
Marvin & Buddy - "Cry Baby" - 45 [0:07:00]
Ann Fleming - "You're Just One Man" - 45 [0:08:23]
Brice Cofield - "Tempted" - 45 [0:11:09]
Eddie Singleton - "Let Me Know" - 45 [0:12:44]
Tony Sams - "A Thousand Miles Apart" - 45 [0:15:00]
Music behind DJ:
Sam Price - "Rib Joint" - 45 [0:16:58]
The Rivals - "I'll Never Walk Alone" - 45 [0:18:33]
Tommy Louis with Marshall & the Versatiles - "Lookie There" - 45 [0:22:08]
Lynn Davis - "I Got a New Love (Sent to Me From Above)" - 45 [0:25:21]
Chuck Johnson - "The Way You Treat Me" - 45 [0:26:53]
Music behind DJ:
The Rampart Ramblers - "Jam Jamboree" - 45 [0:29:04]
The Pets - "I Say Yeah" - 45 [0:31:09]
Telma Laverne - "Baby Don't You Leave Me" - 45 [0:33:58]
Mikki Farrow - "Set My Heart at Ease" - 45 [0:35:45]
The Divines - "I Gotta Make It" - 45 [0:39:30]
Mello Souls - "We Can Make It" - 45 [0:39:51]
Music behind DJ:
The Presidents - "Peter Rabbit" - 45 [0:42:58]
Clarence Carter - "Looking for a Fox" - 45 [0:45:10]
Otis Smith - "Alley Full of Trash and Bottles" - 45 [0:48:26]
The Tams - "Numbers" - 45 [0:49:58]
Barbara Jean & the Lyrics - "Why Weren't You There" - 45 [0:54:55]
Tony Ranson & the Jackson Four - "Everybody Has to Blow His Horn" - 45 [0:55:53]
Music behind DJ:
Jimmie Steward - "Soppin' Gravy" - 45 [0:58:13]
Publié le par Mr. Fine Wine and WFMU
(C) 2025 Mr. Fine Wine and WFMU
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