Drunken Lullabies EP 88 “Winnebago Man & Pictures Pages” FCF NETWORK iTUNES FACEBOOK TWITTER INSTAGRAM Drunkenlullabiespodcast@yahoo.com
Band/Label/Artist/Beer Twitter Handles: @DESTIHLbrewery, @GetSpiked13, @deepellumbrewco, @OasisTXBrewing, @HailstormBrew, @prairieales, @RozwellKid, @SideOneDummy Show Notes: The Voice is at home again and is hanging with some friends and newcomers to the show, Daryl & Mark. Daryl recently guested on Drunk at the Movies - UHF, and now he makes his Drunken Lullabies debut. Dustin plays Spin the Bottle from Iron Spike Brewing Company, and then we try some beers from Deep Ellum, Oasis, Hailstorm, Prairie Artisan Ales, along a Sponsor Spotlight from Destihl Brewery. Our Band of the Week is Rozwell Kid from SideOneDummy Records and we enjoy a few songs from them between beers. Subscribe, Rate, and Review the show on iTunes, and email us at drunkenlullabiespodcast@yahoo.com to be featured on Drunkamaniac Mail.