In celebration of The 1975's new album, Being Funny in a Foreign Language, dropping today, here's a full 90 minute mix of some great bastard pop/mashups featuring The 1975. Crank it up and dance
- Discosid - Harder Better Faster Stronger Chocolate (v Daft Punk)
- Nuky - Settle Sound (v Capital Cities)
- Inanimate Mashups - Kitchen Sound (v twenty one pilots)
- DJ J-Brew - Dance To the Sound (v Walk the Moon)
- Quinn Mashups - The Sound of a Free Woman (v Lady Gaga)
- The 1975 Archives - Pressure in the City (v The 1975)
- Jonga's Mashup Lounge - Ain't Girls Fun (v Paramore)
- MashRed - Addicted (v Shura)
- Pockmarx - Rain On Robbers (v Lady Gaga ft Ariana Grande)
- Tsunami Aki - Robbers State of Grace (v Taylor Swift)
- Sydney Noel - Clean Robbery (V Taylor Swift)
- MashupAllDay - Still fallingforyou (v Ellie Goulding)
- AchyRoobson - Psychosocial People (v Slipknot)
- DJ Andy - People Have Tendencies (v Hollywood Undead)
- flipboitamidles - Chocolate Stars (v Smash Mouth)
- flipboitamidles - Wannabe Girls (v Spice Girls)
- R M - It's Not Living, If It's Not September (v Earth Wind & Fire)
- Sam Toop - The Sound of Dreams (v Fleetwood Mac)
- Lewis Wake - Give Scrubs a Try (v TLC)
- Finn, the Autumn - Fine Line Robbers (v Harry Styles)
- mlgmasher - Troubled Girls (v Halsey)
- 9olicot - Somebody Else's Street (v Taylor Swift)
- zneiko - Sanctuary Revealed (v Joji)
- Ryan Lee - Sky Full of Guys (v Coldplay)
- R M - Digital Love's Not Living, If It's Not With You (v Daft Punk)
- Tatremmy - too shy resonance (v HOME)
- Flareum - With or Without Robbers (U2)
- Miss A - Chocolate Boyfriend (v Justin Bieber)
- TJA Mashups - Chocolate Shelter (v Porter Robinson)