Cartoon music is some of the first music most of us are exposed to and this show is all about cartoon and cartoon adjacent music. It spans many genres but also moods. There is plenty of excitement from Amy and Mitchell which can rival any glee that Pinkie Pie could exhibit.
Voicemail: 731-400-BUDS(2837)
The Ramones - Happy Birthday, Mr. Burns
SpongeBob SquarePants - The Best Day Ever
Pinkie Pie - The Smile Song
Lizzie and The Melvins - Choco Plumbing
Gargoyles Theme
Eels - My Beloved Monster
Ren and Stimpy - Climb Inside My World
Shonen Knife - Buttercup (I’m a Super Girl)
DVDA - What Would Brian Boitano Do?
Animaniacs - Yakko’s World
Powerglove - X-Men
The Beets - Shout Your Lungs Out