Pure Heart, Pure Lariat returns! The #1 Joshi Podcast comes at you with a holiday gift and a special report of the last show of Stardom's 2019 and the first officially in the BUSHIROAD era, live from Korakuen Hall with WH Park. We talk about the difference between the Stardom live experience now compared to how it was before, some business talk on merchandising, followed by getting into the show and talking about one of the biggest Joshi shows of the year and how the matches came across, Hana Kimura on Terrace House, Hazuki's "retirement" and finishing up with talk on the announcement of STARDOM's offer match on NJPW's Wrestle Kingdom. Keep an eye out for part 2 of the show talking about the Stardom World version coming up soon on patreon.com/easternlariat - wait until the New Year to sign up so you don't get charged twice! And thank you for all the listeners and support of the first year of Pure Heart, Pure Lariat!
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