What is Japanese soul food? Tadashi Ono and Harris Salat join Cathy Erway to explain on this week’s edition of Eat Your Words! Recently, Tadashi and Harris co-authored their third book entitled Japanese Soul Cooking. Tune into this episode to learn how British imports like curry intermingled with traditional Japanese cuisine. How was meat-eating viewed in Japanese culture for many generations? Later, hear Cathy, Tadashi, and Harris talk about the social aspect involved with the preparation of many Japanese dishes. Do Tadashi and Harris have a fourth cookbook in the works? Find out on this week’s edition of Eat Your Words! Thanks to our sponsor, Fairway Market. Music by The California Honeydrops.

“Japan doesn’t exist in a duality like Western civilization… Traditional and non-traditional food existed together… Curry didn’t supplant miso soup- they took these foods and made them Japanese.” [10:00]

Harris Salat & Tadashi Ono on Eat Your Words