De nouveaux transistors, nouvelles conception qui permet de réaliser des ordinateurs aux performances exceptionnelles...
- En route vers les etoiles
- CHRO24027 - Microprocesseurs
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Association Albireo78
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

The Serials On Radio
Cliff hanging excitement from the archives of Old Time Radio. Dennis takes you on a journey of adventure, Suspense, Mystery, and Action each week from the archives of the Golden Age of Radio.
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Titre Evidence as a catalyst for policy and societal change. Towards more equitable, resilient, and sustainable global health.
Beyond the pandemic: Mobilizing evidence for safe and effective health policy and practice
The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an unprecedented opportunity to assess the relationship between evidence and policy and their impact on societies. This podcast series features interviews with leading experts in the area of knowledge translation and evidence-policy-society processes, documenting key lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and looking ahead leveraging innovation and novel strategies. A must-listen for all that aim to make better, evidence-based policy decisions.
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Scifi Friday
SciFi Friday takes you back to the early days of science fiction. Each week we explore the programs that layed the foundation for science fiction of today.
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Future Thinkers
Future Thinkers is a media platform, community, and education portal dedicated to the evolution of society, technology, and consciousness. Helping you become better adapted to our uncertain future.
As seen in BBC, Forbes, World Economic Forum, and iTunes Top 40.
Created by Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova.
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Medialab Factory, La RoomCast
La Roomcast est un podcast interactif enregistré en live sur Clubhouse. L'audience interagit avec les speakers autour du thème de la Room. Les sujets abordés sont en lien avec l'innovation dans les médias, de la stratégie digitale, de la stratégie de contenu, de la transformation digitale ou de la disruption.
La Roomcast est un podcast interactif enregistré en live sur Clubhouse. L'audience interagit avec les speakers autour du thème de la Room. Les sujets abordés sont en lien avec l'innovation dans les médias, de la stratégie digitale, de la stratégie de contenu, de la transformation digitale ou de la disruption.
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KIDC Podcasts
KIDC Podcast specializes in updating new information!
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