What is Count Von Derkula doing up in broad daylight?! Not to worry, I’m down in the laboratory in the depths of the Von Derkula manor. No windows down here and some great wi-fi! I’m bringing you the Surfphony of Derstruction BOOOOO THOUSAND a bit earlier because this episode is limited edition! There’s only so much time to sink your fangs into a new episode of the Big Dead Surf when the full moon is on Halloween! So join the party early, no need to be fashionably late. Join us for a fun night of dancing and the living dead! Only on the Surfphony of Derstruction BOOOOO THOUSAND!

Featuring the spookiest tunes from the likes of Secret Agent, Beware of Blast, The Spiratones, Os Pampa Haoles, Las Olas, Surflamingo, Operation Octopus, The Surf Zombies, WJLP,  Underwater Bosses, Los Attarayas, The Creature Preachers, The Volcanics, Los Freneticos, Megatronadores, and Marmaleene and The Moondusters!