For this first episode, I'm presenting Hilda Sonsterund's work on the therapeutic alliance and the working alliance in stuttering and cluttering treatments. We're talking about therapeutic alliance more and more often, but we don't always know what it means. You'll find explanations about the working alliance and an example of a scientific study evaluating its importance in the treatment of stuttering. I also present Hilda Sonsterund's adaptation suggestions to promote the therapeutic alliance during cluttering treatments.
Enjoy listening!
References of the articles:
Sønsterud, H., Kirmess, M., Howells, K., Ward, D., Feragen, K. B., & Halvorsen, M. S. (2019). The working alliance in stuttering treatment: a neglected variable?. International journal of language & communication disorders, 54(4), 606-619.
Sønsterud, H. (2019). The importance of the working alliance in the treatment of cluttering. Perspectives of the ASHA special interest groups, 4(6), 1568-1572.