My connection is your connection! Casually stumbling into the new year without having to strenuously reorganise those awkward slices of obsolete black plastic, your faithful Finders Keepers Radio Show hosts head straight to one of the most reliable and varied corners of the record room and the trusty/crusty/musty shelf controversially marked KRAUTROCK! A German-born genre previously known as kosmische before the Wümme based group Faust adopted the potential slur as the movement's new blanket tag.

Aiming to stretch the genre's ready-elasticated boundaries that little bit further Herrs Votel, Mitchell und Shipton try to avoid the obvious major label gatefold trophy records (and happily fail at the first furlong) by adding 1970's DDR pop, German DIY punk, early Krautsploitation horrotica, Deutsch library records and other strains of lesser known Krautsider pop. So expect all the big hitters from Dusseldorf, Munich, Cologne and, errr, Altrincham while swimming in a sea of crackle via freakish visiting cabaret bands and unlikely collaborations spanning five decades... For all those purists, snobs and naysayers out there, we are joined by the original vocalist from CAN, Mr. Malcolm Mooney who is happy discuss Stockhausen, The Fat Boys and David Bowie to add more salt to your tangerine!