Hi there, Ciamar a tha sibh? Whit is happenin the day! I'm still learning Gaelic you will be pleased to hear although it is definitely not easy. A great challenge though and I can't wait to get better. Surely I must!! Anyway I'm back with more great new releases from the Scottish trad music scene! I hope you enjoy. If you would like to support the please visit www.patreon.com/handsupfortrad

This Too by Kinnaris Quintet Track - Wonderful https://kinnarisquintet.bandcamp.com/album/this-too

The Long Night to New Orleans by Face the West https://facethewest.bandcamp.com

A Drop For Neptune by TRIP Track - Turning Tides https://trip-music.bandcamp.com/album/a-drop-for-neptune

Road to tyranny by Bruce MacGregor Track - Josh’s 2 secs https://brucemacgregor.bandcamp.com

Spring EP by Ally Forsyth Track - On The Turn https://allyforsyth.bandcamp.com/album/spring-ep

Leaving Lurgangreen by Sarah Markey Track - Leaving Lurgangreen https://sarahmarkey.bandcamp.com/album/leaving-lurgangreen

Ceòl Dannsa (feat Donnie Munro) by Valtos https://valtos.bandcamp.com/releases

Still As You’re Sleeping by Karine Polwart and Dave Milligan Track - Travel These Ways https://karinepolwart.bandcamp.com

Sense of the Place by Stonehaven Folk Club Track - Boat Memories by Mike Blackburn https://www.stonehavenfolkclub.co.uk/cd-project

Glendrian by Kenneth MacKenzie Track - Reels https://caberfeidhmusic.bandcamp.com/

Breathing Space by Barry Reid Track - Better Days https://barryreid.bandcamp.com