We are back with our latest podcast featuring lots of great Scottish music from the trad scene here. It's been a great time recently with the Celtic Connections festival in Glasgow back to full strength after lockdown. I saw so much great music! Thanks again for your support - it is really appreciated!
Caoir by Joy Dunlop Track - Jigs https://www.joydunlop.com
The Madeleine Stewart Trio Track - Reels https://madeleinefiddle.bandcamp.com/album/the-madeleine-stewart-trio
Riverwood’s by Salt House Track - Her Silver Spate https://salthouse.bandcamp.com/album/riverwoods
Where From Here by Assynt Track - Assynt House https://assynt.bandcamp.com
Soaring by Juliette Lemoine Track - Arising https://juliettelemoine.bandcamp.com
Live Again by Silly Wizard Track - The Rambling Rover http://www.sillywizard.co.uk
Liberate by Valtos and Project Smok https://valtos.bandcamp.com
Winter by Ally Forsyth Track - Digging Up Bones (feat. Hannah Rarity) https://allyforsyth.bandcamp.com
One Day by Jenna Reid and Harris Playfair Track - Oak Cottage https://jennareid.bandcamp.com/album/one-day-2
Air An Turns by An Dannsa Dub Track - Seòladh ft. Lana Pheutan https://andannsadub.bandcamp.com