Hi everyone! I'm back with yet more Scottish trad music. It's amazing even in a pandemic that musicians continue to create. Thanks again for listening - it is much appreciated. Please check out our Patreon if you would like to support the show at www.patreon.com/handsupfortrad. If you are interested I also have another podcast with interviews of folk musicians. You can listen to that here or in the usual places.
Transatlantic by Aoife O’Donovan featuring Kris Drever https://aoifeodonovan.bandcamp.com
Threes by Mike Vass https://mikevass.bandcamp.com/album/threes
The Wild Gees by Iona Fyfe https://ionafyfe.bandcamp.com/music
The Incident by Beoga Track - Lamped http://www.beogamusic.com
Not Just Ship Land by Ainsley Hamill Track - Not Just Ship Land https://ainsleyhamill.com
Night Owl by Kenneth Macfarlane https://kennethmacfarlane.bandcamp.com/releases
Celtic Connections Suite by Simon Thoumire Orchestra Track - Set of Reels with John McCusker and Kevin Mackenzie https://simonthoumire.bandcamp.com
Gaol by Rachel Walker Track - An t-Iarla Diùrach http://rachelwalker.bandcamp.com
I got rhythm by Tim Edey Track - La Bourrasque (featuring Donnell Leahy) https://timedey.bandcamp.com/album/i-got-rhythm
Hunger of the Skin by Brian Finnegan Track - Crossing Rubicon / Ollin http://brianfinnegan.bandcamp.com
Strands by Tannara Track - Spent Lees https://tannara.bandcamp.com/album/strands