Ranger Command Power Hour Episode 215 – Rangers Review Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always
It’s time to Ranger Up with @trekkieb47 @secretrangerfan & @ZachLaVoy as they talk all things Power Rangers on the Four Eyed Radio Network with RANGER COMMAND POWER HOUR!
Eric, A.P. and Zach are here with a SPOILER-FREE review of the Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Special – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always.
A huge thanks to Hasbro, eOne and Netflix for providing us with a Press Screener.
Here is Zach’s review:
I love how this special jumps right into the action and we’re quickly introduced to the new character Minh, played by Charlie Kersh. She fits right in with the cast and you feel the emotion behind every line she says.
The special moves at Lightning pace to tell a comprehensive story that lays out exactly what happened to the team, and the hurdles they must overcome in order to come out on top. Lots of great fight scenes, tons of heart, and a love for the original MMPR team tempered with fun easter eggs for the long time
franchise fans. And while not every single plot hole is explained away, only the most hardcore lore hounds will notice. When in doubt, just remember the MST3K mantra “It’s just a show, I should really just relax.”
The updated effects look fantastic for what they were able to achieve with their budget. Seeing the updated morph sequence is a visual and nostalgic delight. As seen in the trailers, there’s a putty fight in the Juice Bar that absolutely blew my mind with how faithfully the original Juice Bar set has been recreated. Major kudos to the set designers and builders for making this set piece so faithful to the original.
The fight scenes are wonderfully scored thanks to the legend, Ron Wasserman. He managed to recreate the FEEL of the original series’ score while updating it. His work is absolutely worth watching certain scenes over and over to enjoy his score.
The climax of the special is an emotional rollercoaster that will have you cheering, laughing, and absolutely shedding a few tears. This special is everything I hoped for and surprised me at every turn. My only gripes are minor nitpicks that honestly have been talked about to death, so I won’t mention them here.
This special is fantastic and that’s why I’m giving Power Rangers: Once and Always an easy 9/10.