Show #249


CHUCK MEAD - The Devil By Their Side  (Free State Serenade)

ST. PAUL & THE BROKEN BONES - Call Me   (Half the City)

  THE WHISKEY GENTRY -  Dixie (Holly Grove)


NANCARROW - Second Last Resort (Heart)

(mic break)

IRENE KELLEY - Feels Like Home  (Pennsylvania Coal)

CAHALEN MORRISON & ELI WEST - Natural Thing To Do  (I'll Swing With My Hammer With Both my Hands)

3 PENNY ACRE - Gibsonville (Rag and Bone)

OCEAN CAROLINA - Drink You Back Again  (All The Way Home)

CHUCK MEAD - A Short Goodbye (Free State Serenade)

(mic break)

BOO RAY - Like A Cigarette  (Six Weeks In A Motel)

THE GRAHAMS -  A Good Man  (Riverman's Daughter)

AMIGO - Gospel Ship (Just In Case) Gospel Ship (Just In Case)  (Might Could)

GRANT PEEPLES AND THE PEEPLES REPUBLIK - You're a Slave to Your Imagination  (Punishing the Myth)

(mic break)

CHUCK MEAD - The Light of Day  (Free State Serenade)




Here's the RSS feed:  Freight Train Boogie podcasts also air weekly on RootHog Radio and on Rob Ellen's Flyinshoes Review. You can buy the Freight Train Boogie Americana  Android App from Amazon for only $1.99.


(March 21st, 2014)

Bill Frater

Freight Train Boogie