La mixtape d'Eskarina :
[00;00] 01 Baldur's Gate II Shadows Of Amn - Main Theme - Michael Hoenig
[01;56] 02 Diablo II - Rogue Encampment - Matt Uelmen
[06;32] 03 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Departure - Kumi Tanioka
[10;30] 04 Warcraft II - Human 1 - Glenn Stafford
[13;53] 05 Baldur's Gate - Main Theme - Michael Hoenig
[15;18] 06 StarCraft - Terran Theme 1 - Glenn Stafford
[20;00] 07 Fallout - World Map - Mark Morgan
[22;40] 08 Civilization IV - Baba Yetu - Christopher Tin
[25;50] 09 Baten Kaitos - To the end of the Journey of Glittering Stars - Motoi Sakuraba
[29;07] 10 Final Fantasy X - To Zanarkand - Nobuo Uematsu
[32;01] 11 Arcanum - Main Theme - Ben Houge
[34;26] 12 Heroes of Might and Magic III - Main Menu Theme - Paul Romero
[35;31] 13 Final Fantasy IX - The Place I`ll Return to Someday - Nobuo Uematsu
[37;25] 14 Icewind Dale - Main Theme - Inon Zur
[39;10] 15 Final Fantasy VII - Cid's Theme - Nobuo Uematsu
[42.05] 16 Heroes of Might and Magic IV - Hope - Paul Romero

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