The Plot By Jean Hanff Korelitz

"The Plot is one of the best novels I’ve ever read about writers and writing. It’s also insanely readable and the suspense quotient is through the roof. It's remarkable."
―Stephen King

"The Plot is so well-crafted and compelling it’s nearly impossible to put down. Clever and chilling, this page-turner grabs you from the first chapter and doesn’t let you go until its startling, breath-taking conclusion."
―Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, New York Times bestselling authors of The Wife Between Us

"From its first pages, Jean Hanff Korelitz’s The Plot ensnares you in a rich tangle of literary vanities, treachery and fraud. Psychologically acute and breathtakingly suspenseful, you’ll find yourself rushing towards a finale both astonishing and utterly earned."
―Megan Abbott, Bestselling author of Give Me Your Hand

"The plot of ‘The Plot’ ― the best thriller of the year (so far) ― is too good to give away"
Washington Post

“Korelitz’s own plot is fiendishly clever, and here's the ultimate twist: that any novel about a writer’s life (lonely, anxious drudgery) could be this wildly suspenseful and entertaining.”
People, Book of the Week
