Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke: By Eric LaRocca
"A startling affair...I'll be cleaning up particles of darkness in my office for weeks." - Josh Malerman (Bird Box, Inspection)
"When broken people do broken things - especially in the name of love - we all get broken, too. What starts as sweetly genteel swiftly descends into everything that's brutalizingly ugly about the abusive master/slave dynamic. A hauntingly elegant, masterfully written, and ultimately devastating indictment of cruel manipulation and even crueler submission. This is one deeply fucked-up heartbreaker. You have been warned." - John Skipp (The Light at the End)
"Part Dennis Cooper's The Sluts, part David Cronenberg's The Brood...Eric LaRocca's Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke is a masterpiece of epistolary body horror." - Max Booth III (We Need to Do Something)
"Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke is a tight, merciless epistolary, each piece of correspondence coiling the reader around its finger and never letting go. LaRocca skillfully weaves a grotesque, unforgettable page-turner of manipulation and depravity." - Hailey Piper (The Worm and His Kings)
"With darkly poetic prose and chilling stories that peel back layers of skin to reveal a beating, bloody heart, Eric LaRocca is the clear literary heir of Clive Barker." - Tyler Jones (Criterium, The Dark Side of the Room)
"Eric LaRocca is a fierce talent that knows no limit, masterful and utterly unmissable!" - Ross Jeffery (Juniper, Tome)