Are you interested in finding out how Podcasts are very popular? Come on board as we take you through the story of podcast popularity. Podcast is one of the youngest listening formats which came into existence about 15-20 years ago and have steadily continued to rise in relevance. The following factors are responsible for its growth so far.

Ease of Use

Podcast offers a better choice when it comes to ease of use. You don’t have to spend hours watching a video for you to grab the message. All you need do is listen with your ears. You can now listen to podcasts while you drive, work, and take a stroll or even recline in your seat. You don’t have to set out a special time for video streaming; you can now do it on the go. This option has brought the ease which users seeks from their device and has helped the popularity of podcasts over the years.

Less Expensive

The resources required to produce a podcast is far less compared to the cost of making a great quality video. All that is needed is a high-quality microphone and a little setup time, and you’re ready to create a podcast with less stress and with less equipment involved as well.

Also, the average CPM for a whole podcast falls between twenty to forty dollars, compared to web ads which are one to twenty dollars or five to twenty dollars for TV. This presents the podcast as lucrative and preferable option, requiring just a few hours to make within the week, and still returning mind-blowing earnings at the end.

Easy to Get Through the Net

The presence and mobility of the internet have rapidly increased the access and consumption of podcasts. With the help of mobile devices and internet speed one can easily download new materials very quickly anywhere, and listen to podcasts without much stress; same applies to TV shows or movies, but the only limitation to videos is the portability of large screen size devices. This makes podcast the perfect choice especially for things like commutes and busywork.

Early Influencers

Thanks to the first influencers, a few years ago podcast saw an explosion in popularity. This opened the floodgates to content producers, presenting a viable opportunity in the world of the podcast with a handful of standouts ideas.

Easy Connection to Automobiles

This is the one of the major reasons why podcasts rose to relevance in the Automobile industry. The possibilities of linking podcasts to cars provides another avenue for streaming audio from different sources unlike the media options already available today. A lot of car makers are already tapping into this development and podcasts are now available for commuters. These have increased the popularity of podcast amongst motorists all over the world.

These reasons made podcasts very popular, however podcasts are only preferred when visual messages are not needed. The ease of use and transmission has made it the best choice for individuals looking out for fast communication.