2024 - what a year for guitar! The Iconic Albums team assemble to talk through all the good stuff.

Matt, Rob & Gabor discuss favourite albums, gear, gigs, podcasts, books and more and debut the impromtu "what Rob said" segment \m/


The Guitar Speak Podcast is produced and hosted by Matt Wakeling in Sydney, Australia. The show features deep dive interviews with amazing guitarists from around the globe, occasional gear reviews and the Iconic Albums team where Matt is joined by Rob Rhodes and Gabor Josika for guitar roundtable good times. 

Rob Rhodes - www.rhodetripent.com

Rob is full time working musician, booking and playing hundreds of gigs each year. Rob knows his stuff - equally shredding on vocals, music business and of course, guitar. To learn more about Rob, check out Guitar Speak Podcast #190.

Gabor Josika - SuperFunAwesomeHappyTime Pedal Show

Gabor, alongside Alex Rottier, co-hosts the SuperFunAwesomeHappyTimePedalShow. This is a brilliant YouTube channel! Gabor is a working musician who believes the whammy pedal can be an always on device. To learn more about Gabor, check out Guitar Speak Podcast #218.


This episode is brought to you by Fretboard Biology 

Fretboard Biology - the online guitar college created by Joe Elliott, ex Head of Guitar at GIT and McNally Smith Music College.


Guitar Speak Podcast #146 - Joe Elliott - ex guitar head of GIT - launches Fretboard Biology

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