Happy Mothers day to all our loving Moms! Its been 4 years since the last Mother's Day show.  That one dealt with all my female artists at the time to celebrate women and their achievements. This time around I'm building on the idea of family, moms, dads, kids, babies and more titles dealing with the subject of moms lives even if you are NOT a MOM yourself you will still enjoy this show. 

Thanks to all our Moms for the daily sacrifices they make for the love of their families. Sometimes life is great and works out how you want sometimes it isnt and these are life lessons that we all need to learn at any age. There are stories here of youth  and never being to young for love or having fun in the night to growing older and desiring a more simple quieter life. Don't worry about the kids, they will be alright! You just focus on you this Mothers Day and have some "Whiskey Baby" on us!

Thank you to our loving mothers for all they do!


Have a great weekend!

Find the show all over the web from Itunes to Iheart, to Amazon Music to many more including my website


Find the tracklist at Shacklists page
