We got terrible awful news again for KERB 99.9 and KRAM listeners for SHACKJAM 13! We lost the Gen X Facebook group again!!!! The hackers had a homing beacon on the group while we had it paused. Ghost admin invite that came online as soon as we unpaused the group to let in old mods. The criminal organization grabbed our FB group immediately and kicked us all out!

We now have lost all control of the group and no way to get it back unless the news media can help put pressure on FB to deal with this widespread issue affecting hundreds or groups or more across the platform. They are allowing criminal activity to infest Facebook and are negligent in protecting their membership so that makes them complicit in illegal activity.

Were taking this to National news or independent small media. Someone knows someone who works in journalism and at powerful news corporations. We hope to spread the word through one contact to the next till someone takes this issue seriously.

This is almost 2 million people and they are at risk of being extorted for every piece of information enemy bot AI software can collect and use to scam them for identity theft, hacking attempts, scam purchases and online fraudulent criminal activity!


So this show we are covering theme music titles dealing with these current events playing more current style Gen X tunes and the fact that the government officially confirmed ALIENS and no one batted an eye!...lol

We got bigger problems like the question everyone asks "Are they going to pay my bills?"" .... LOL

Catch us next week for Shackjam 14 and more trials and tribulations of the Halshack!

Find all show related material and radio station and podcasts on Zeno FM at

Thanks for hanging on for the wild ride! More to come!