Screen capture of McCarty during our Zoom-based interview.

Jim McCarty is one of the founding members of The Yardbirds, and he's recently published his second book, She Walks in Beauty: My Quest for the Bigger Picture. It's a journey that starts with the death of his wife Lizzie and then jumps back to earlier in his life, as he examines the various things that connect us to parts of the world that are just beyond our reach.

I was hooked immediately when I began reading this book, and no doubt you will be too. There's a search for spirituality weaved among stories about his musical career with, and since, the Yardbirds, and how the two occasionally intertwined. You can order the book from this site, or you can check out all the usual outlets (but it's guaranteed to be in stock there).

At any rate, because he's living in France and I'm living in Baltimore, he and I communicated via Skype. It was supposed to be Zoom, but he couldn't get it to work. Then I couldn't get it to work. So we bailed out and jumped over to Skype, where my camera wouldn't work but at least we could hear each other. I'm so glad we both persevered, because I think we had a fantastic conversation, and the date of the interview turned out to be important to both of us, for similar reasons.

At one point we talk about the Krishna Das cover of "For Your Love", which I gave him a heads-up that I wanted to talk about, and it turns out that he was quite familiar with it, and a little bit more. There's a short clip in the interview but the whole thing is here, and worth a listen. It's probably in my Top Ten all-time tracks:


Jim McCarty Official Website

Yardbirds Official Website

Sarcoma Foundation of America

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(Sorry, no transcript for this episode.)