This week's episode arose from an essay I published on my blog several years ago. I was looking back on some of the stuff I wrote and found this particular piece, and thought, with a little re-writing it might make a decent episode of the podcast. So, re-write I did, and I'm generally happy with the result, though I'm once again fighting off a respiratory thing.
James "Sugarboy" Crawford
Anyway: James "Sugarboy" Crawford wrote "Iko Iko" in 1953, and recorded it with his band, the Cane Cutters. That version didn't go anywhere, chart-wise, and neither did any cover that followed, until 1965, when Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller, using audio from the Dixie Cups' fooling around between takes, added a backing track and turned their version, with its nonsensical lyrics, into an international hit. The song became such a big deal that the Dixie Cups eventually received partial writing credit for the song because of all the changed lyrics.
And that's all I'm saying here, go listen to the show.
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