The finest minds in video games and beyond contemplate unique input interfaces, classic adventure games, and a return to Violence Island. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.

Questions this week:

  1. With the recent closing of Rooster Teeth, how has machinima developed over the last 20 years? (03:19)
  2. Design a themed video game controller that ties into a particular brand but would also be fun to use. (10:12)
  3. What are the most credible depictions of gamers in media? (16:48)
  4. How do you convince a studio executive they have a bad idea before it’s too late? (23:24) Insert Credit Quick Break: Labyrinth of Cinema (29:55)
  5. Irish Carl asks: Rank the corpus of adventure games from Sierra On-Line, Infocom, LucasArts, and Cyan (30:51)
  6. What are your favorite broad personality archetypes in video game supporting characters? (38:11)
  7. Which video game would benefit most from the “World of Warcraft Classic” treatment? (43:14)
  8. How’s the future looking right now for emulation? (46:51)

LIGHTNING ROUND: Violence Island (55:01)

Recommendations and Outro (01:03:24)

Discuss this episode in the Insert Credit Forums



Brandon: Johnny’s Selected Seeds instead of Baker Creek Seeds if you’re a gardening type person who wants to avoid funding bad stuff, Gary Jagels, Zindrew Crunchy Garlic Chili Oil

Tim: Xi’an Famous Foods Chili Oil & Crisps Jar

Frank: Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

This week’s Insert Credit Show is brought to you by Labyrinth of Cinema, and patrons like you. Thank you.

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