Insert Credit reports direct from GDC 2024. Brandon Sheffield asks industry professionals maybe the most important question in the games right now: how do you reclaim your humanity during all this chaos? Hosted by Brandon Sheffield, with Megan Farokhmanesh, Osama Dorias, Amani Shantz, Paweł Rohleder, JJ Signal, Antonio Uribe, Ash Parrish, Mathew Kumar, and Baiyon. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.


  1. Monday - Refrigerators (00:14)
  2. Tuesday - Talking to Strangers with Megan Farokhmanesh (03:16)
  3. Wednesday - Hugs with Osama Dorias (10:39)
  4. Wednesday - Self-Acknowledgment with Amani Shantz (15:18)
  5. Wednesday - Immediate Flow with Paweł Rohleder (20:28)
  6. Wednesday - PC-88 Games and Dish Washing with JJ Signal and Antonio Uribe (22:29)
  7. Thursday - Gummies and Marvel Snap with Ash Parrish and Mathew Kumar (30:08)
  8. Thursday - Baiyon playing SimTunes (40:25)
  9. Thursday - Good Sleep with Baiyon (42:06)
  10. Friday - bye forever (47:57)

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