Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield cover Alex Jaffe’s questions about SGF showcases, the N64 controller, and DQ slime war crimes. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.

Questions this week:

  1. Ash Parrish asks: What’s your dream Summer Game Fest showcase? (05:46)
  2. Why did the Nintendo 64 controller look like that? (14:42)
  3. Write a musical about Akihabara twenty years ago. (20:18) Insert Credit Quick Break: Mannequin Deposit by The Houseflies (47:25)
  4. Ponda asks: Which video games feature the best eating animations, and why is this difficult? (28:18)
  5. Which standard 52 playing card deck game has the best game design? (34:56)
  6. When has a game company returning to its roots most paid off? (40:06)

LIGHTNING ROUND: Soda Jerk - Car Companies (45:14)

Recommendations and Outro (52:15)

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Brandon: Get a DNR, get a Five Wishes document, make sure someone can access your medical records

Frank: Will your assets, Recognize your own mortality

Tim: Don’t own a lot of stuff

Jaffe: Be mindful of the mess you leave for others

This week’s Insert Credit Show is brought to you by Mannequin Deposit by The Houseflies, and patrons like you. Thank you.

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