Finally alive and in person tonite at 9pm Karloffornia time....Intoxica Radio live!!!!
Your weekly wait is over! We’re gonna get to delve into my cracked mind and the vinyl that it attracts all together as I’ve been away & haven’t heard most of it yet either! So it’s show & tell & go to hell...we’ll go to there ‘n back with my musical attack! Nothing is final, especially vinyl!¡!¡ See you at 9PM Karloffornia Time at ...So plug in your iTard®, strap on your IntoxiDrool® cup, fall into your spinning (and sometimes talking) chair® & join me, Howie Pyro® on intoxica Radio® at 9pm at
Who did this amazing art? Karl Kaos of course! Intoxicaradio #howiepyro #records #rocknroll #dj #dance #rhythmandblues #rockabilly #soul #surf #halloween #weird #garagerock #karlkaos
Publié le par Intoxica Radio
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