Intoxica Radio is back live in this new year!!! It’s just gotta be better! So let’s dance & stomp it in like the IntoxiTards we are! I got Holy Grails outta garbage pails! Crappy smartass rockers by freaks with big knockers! Rhythm & booze that’s born to lose! And some damned silly rockabilly!!! So join me like Siamese please at 9PM Karloffornia time where? Www.luxuriamusic .com that’s where! Art by Karl Kaos
#intoxicaradio #howiepyro #rocknroll #rhythmandblues #rockabilly #soul #teenage #doowop #garagerock #radio #DJ #discjockey #diskjockey #rockandrollradio #records #45rpm #karlkaos
Publié le par Intoxica Radio
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