It’s Tuesday as in C.U.Next Tuesday! Everything seems to have double meanings these days! Where do we turn? How can I put a smart spin on things? Well I’ll tell ya, let’s turn round and round and put a 45rpm spin on things and try to forget that one bad orange 45 that we’d never play anyway...let’s rock & rule! For these 2 hours from 9-11 Karloffornia time of course! Let’s spin out & fall into the rock n roll fantasy that was and IS! As long as we are here IT is here, it can’t be taken, removed, caged or fucked with! It revolves for eternity in our hearts unseen...until we bust it out!! So come to the rumble (you know the weapons approved-45s-the vinyl kind! Turntables, needles & a warped mind!). So grab your drool cup©, plug in your iTard©, strap yourself in the spinning (and sometimes talking) chair, and join me tonite ALIVE!!! At 9PM Karloffornia time at #intoxicaradio #howiepyro #luxuria #radio #records #rocknroll #MattBeld #rhythmandblues #soul #retard #rockabilly #garagerock #dance #dj - Great art by Matt Beld!!!!!

This show went overtime 20 minutes!!! So sit down & dig the extra!!!!