Welcome to week 1 of Face Your Fears Month. Where each week we'll discuss movies based on a particular phobia. Conquer your fears in the most passive way possible, by watching a movie about it! It's therapy through cinema. This week it skitters across your floor on eight legs, Arachnophobia (1990)! For one of our hosts this fear is very real. Arachnophobia thrilled and made audiences laugh at their fear of spiders in 1990. Does this thrillomedy still hold up today? Directed by Frank Marshall, Arachnophobia stars Jeff Daniels, Julian Sands, John Goodman, Harley Jane Kozak, Stuart Pankin, and Brian McNamara. Join Invasion of the Remake as we rethink, recast, remake, and help you conquer your fear of spiders with Arachnophobia.

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