This week we enter the bowls of the asylum and enter the mind of psychotic serial killer Hannibal Lecter. Originally portrayed on screen by Brian Cox in Manhunter (1986), Hannibal would be later defined by the performance of Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs (1991), Hannibal (2001) and Red Dragon (2002). While both Manhunter and Red Dragon are adaptations of the Thomas Harris novel, Michael Mann's vision is very different than Brett Ratner's version and we'll explore that. Both films sport an all-star cast, Manhunter also stars William (CSI) Petersen, Kim Greist, Joan Allen, Dennis Farina, and Tom Noonan. Red Dragon is a who's who of Oscar nominated or winning actors and actress with the likes of Edward Norton, Ralph Fiennes, Harvey Keitel, Emily Watson, Mary-Louise Parker, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. It's the Hannibal Lecter battle this week on Invasion of the Remake. Won't you sit down and dine on Director with us?

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