Science runs amuck in a coming to age tale featuring lasers, popcorn, and a crazy dude who lives in a dorm room closet as we remake Real Genius (1985)! Val Kilmer stars alongside Gabriel Jarret, Michelle Meyrink, Robert Prescott and William Atherton in the 80's comedy classic. Join Invasion of the Remake as we uncover the secrets of Real Genius (while ice skating in our room, as you do) and ultimately come up with our own ideas and casting for a modern remake. Don't miss this episode, it's a "moral imperative"! Support independent podcasts like ours by telling your friends and family how to find us at places like Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Google Play Music, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Tune In Radio, RadioPublic, BluBrry, Libsyn, YouTube, iHeartRadio and all the best podcast providers. Spread the love! Like, share and subscribe!
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