When movie special effects man, Rollie Tyler, is hired to fake the murder of a real-life mob boss entering witness protection, he finds his own life is in danger with criminals and government agents wanting him dead. Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehy star in a robert mandel film, F/X (1986). Join Invasion of the Remake with special guest Richard Cleveland from The First Layer as we rethink, recast, and remake F/X! Support independent podcasts like ours by telling your friends and family how to find us at places like Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Google Play Music, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Tune In Radio, RadioPublic, BluBrry, Libsyn, YouTube, iHeartRadio and all the best podcast providers. Spread the love! Like, share and subscribe!
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Special Thanks to our guest Richard Cleveland from The First Layer.
Subscribe to The First Layer on Youtube!
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