This show is dedicated Michael Liebmann. If you're a long-time listener, then you have heard Michael in the Celtic Feedback section where he was a regular contributor. He was also a big promoter of Celtic music and filk music. And he was a friend. Sadly, he passed away on July 26th. So I would like to dedicate this show to Michael with some awesome Celtic music from Becky Taylor, Anton Emery, Headland, Round the House, Claire Roche, We Banjo 3, Shillelagh!, NUA, Brobdingnagian Bards, The McDades, De Ceadaoin, Blackwater, Cu Dubh, Hair of the Dog, Tale | Theo Niessink, Ockham's Razor, Black Rose Roisin Dubh.

If you enjoy this podcast, then please rate the show on iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. Then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Subscribe today to download 34 Celtic MP3s for free. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. And remember to Vote in the Celtic Top 20 to help me create next year's Best Celtic Music 2016 episode.


Today's show is brought to you by Pirates vs Dragons

Marc Gunn's latest album, Pirates vs. Dragons, will be released on July 27, 2016. You'll hear sea shanties interwoven with a Celtic Steampunk musical story about an air pirate that kidnaps a bard to immortalize his dragon treasure hunting in song. What he doesn't realize is that the musician will do anything to protect the dragons. Subscribe to my mailing list to notified when it is released, or go to



* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music.

* We Banjo 3 is trying to get onto the Billboard Charts. They're asking you to pre-order the album iTunes before July 30th.

* New episode of the Pub Songs Podcast called Pirate Pub Songs, Arr! is now online.

* The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is successful thanks to people like you. Your generous pledge of as little as $1 per episode covers the cost of producing the show. And 10% of your pledges go back to non-profits to support and build our Celtic communities. Best of all, whenever we hit a milestone, you get an extra-long episode. We are working towards a two-hour special on Celtic Women. Become a Patron of the Podcast today, because we are helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. Special thanks our latest Patron, Andrew Scarbro, Aaron Bendavid.

* If you enjoy the music in this show, then you might also enjoy our Facebook video shows. The Celtic Music News show goes out on Mondays, and each show is between 3-5 minutes.

* I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: Call 678-CELT-POD to leave a voicemail message. That's 678-235-8763. What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening, or from one of your trips to one of the Celtic nations.


This Week in Celtic Music

"The Lady's Cup of Tea" by Becky Taylor from Ireland Bridge

"Father John of Barra/Sprig of Ivy" by Anton Emery from Noone Lasses

"Foggy Dew/Jenny's Chickens" by Headland from Longtime Coming

"MacLeod's Farewell" by Round the House from Safe Home

"Fields in Fassaroe" by Claire Roche from Jouney of Claire Roche


23:27 "Bill Cheatum / Kitchen Girl / the Donegal Lass" by We Banjo 3 from Roots of the Banjo Tree

26:54 "Salty Sailor" by Shillelagh! from A Turn of Fortune

30:03 "Rest in Pineapple" by NUA from FLOW

34:12 "Health to the Company" by Brobdingnagian Bards from Real Men Wear Kilts


"Smuggler's Cove" by The McDades from Bloom

"Oyster Girl Set" by De Ceadaoin (dee Kad-en) from Savor the Notes

"John O'Dreams" by Blackwater from

"Devil's Claw" by Cu Dubh from Order of the Owl


"Festival of Galway" by Hair of the Dog from Donegal

"The Day We Set Sail" by from The Secret World of Celtic Rock

"Lord Randall" by Ockham's Razor from Wolves in the Walls

"Gallant Murray" by Black Rose Roisin Dubh from Black Rose White Rabbit

VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20. It's easier than ever to do. Just list the show number, and the name of one or two bands. That's it. You can vote once for each episode help me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2016 episode.

The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at