Some of us find relief for our stress through exercise or meditation. Others find their salvation after a long hard day in a good strong cocktail. Either way, local entrepreneurs have found a way to build businesses around our inherent need to unwind and escape. Stefan Boone, with his wife, Mercy Kitchen Boone, is owner of Preservation Yoga, a Bikram yoga studio on Jefferson Highway in Baton Rouge. Bikram is performed in a super heated studio, sometimes upwards of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and though a lot of studios offer some variation of hot yoga, only Preservation Yoga does the real deal. Stefan is a Baton Rouge native who has taught in Nevada, Texas, California, and South Korea. Cliff Couvillion and his partner, Matthew Curtis have created the ultimate luxury for the cocktail connoisseur a line of portable powdered cocktails mixes that you can bring with you when you travel. Leisuremann s Cocktail Mixes are especially useful if you re heading to the great outdoors for an adventure that will take you far away from the creature comforts you might find at a resort or a big city hotel bar. But Leisuremann s hope to be coming to a bar, or home bar, near you, soon. Photos over lunch at Mansurs on the Boulevard by Karry Hosford.

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