Una Kravets, web platform ambassador & lead of the Google Chrome UI Developer Relations Team, joins Amal & Nick to take them CSS to school as they start this podcast in CSS kindergarten and end it with a Level-Up CSS Diploma. (LUCD?)
We explore all the amazing features which have recently landed in CSS — enabling super-charged user experiences with no JavaScript. Don’t forgot to check out all the epic links & demos in the show notes — and hold on to your butts, kids, this one is a ride!
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- Una Kravets – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, Website
- Amal Hussein – Twitter, GitHub
- Nick Nisi – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, Website
Show Notes:
- What’s new in CSS UI 2023 (the blog post we referenced on the show)
- CSS Podcast - UNA and Adam’s AMAZZZZZZING Podcast - 🙌🏾❤️ Like and Subscribe ❤️🙌🏾
- Igalia
- Bocoup
- Follow Lea Verou and Chris Lilley for CSS Leveling up
- Releasing Color.js: A library that takes color seriously (Lea’s blog post)
- Releasing Color.js (Chris’ blog post)
- Contrast Ratio (a helpful tool to help find the right contract ratios)
- High Definition CSS Color Guide
- What is a color space?
- New color spaces!
- Proposal for “open-stylable” Shadow Roots (aka breaking shadow DOM encapsulation
- CSS Nesting
- Can I Use
- MDN Baseline - a unified view of stable web features
- What are Origin Trials?
- Origin Trials available via Chrome
- Origin Trials available via FireFox
- Origin Trials available via Edge
- “Accessibly blueberry muffin analogy” - Baking Accessibility In (Talk from Cordelia McGee-Tubb)
- “Accessibility is Delicious” - great blog post referencing Cordelia’s talk
- Trigonometric functions in CSS
- nth of syntax
- nth-of-child & nth-of-last-child Codepen demo
- Scoped CSS
- Scoped CSS Codepen demo
- Cascade Layers
- Cascade Layers Codepen demo
- Una’s wonderful YouTube video explaining CSS Cascade Layers
- Popover API
- Anchor positioning
- Scroll driven animations
- Scroll driven animations demo site (scroll-driven-animations.style)
- Container Queries
- Style Queries
- Linear Easing Function MDN
- Create complex animation curves in CSS with the linear() easing function
- Linear Easing Generator (a tool via Jake Archibald)
- View Transitions API
- View Transitions Guide
- View Transitions support in Svelte
- View Transitions support in Astro
- :has() API
- web.dev- Guidance to build modern web experiences that work on any browser
- developer.chrome.com - Simplifying the web to help you build, grow and innovate
Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!