5 juin 2021


Shownotes and Links

  1. JACQUES - Des milliers de serveurs VMware vCenter vulnérables et exposés publiquement
  2. STEVE - 20210527 - Re-Checking Your Pulse: Updates on Chinese APT Actors Compromising Pulse Secure VPN Devices
  3. STEVE - 20210531 - Faulty emailing tool prevented Accellion from notifying customers of attacks
  4. STEVE - 20210530 - The SolarWinds hackers aren’t back—they never went away
  5. RICHER - Il pirate cinq téléphones et une Tesla
  6. JACQUES - On sait maintenant que la compagnie d’assurance CNA a payé $40M de dollars aux pirates qui ont attaqué leur réseau:
  7. STEVE - 20210603 - Chinese cybercriminals spent three years creating a new backdoor to spy on governments
  8. RICHER - TeamTNT targets Kubernetes instances - nearly 50k ip compromised
  9. STEVE - 2010604 - SIM swapping victim alleges T-Mobile failed to stop $20,000 cryptocurrency scam
  10. STEVE - 20210602 - Huawei officially replaces Android with HarmonyOS, which is also Android
  11. STEVE - 20210604 - Hackers Breached Colonial Pipeline Using Compromised Password
  12. STEVE - 20200603 - TikTok just gave itself permission to collect biometric data on US users, including ‘faceprints and voiceprints’
  13. JACQUES - Un récent sondage démontre que la sécurité d’applications n’est pas une préoccupation majeure pour les grosses institutions financières:
  14. STEVE - 20210529 - Amazon Sidewalk - Amazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet with neighbors - En fonction 8 juin 2021
  15. STEVE - Amazon’s Sidewalk Network Is Turned On by Default. Here’s How to Turn It Off

