Des films d’Oliver Stone (“JFK”, “Nixon”, “Né un 4 juillet”) à “Sept Ans au Tibet” de Jean-Jacques Annaud, en passant par “The Fury” de Brian de Palma ou encore ses musiques pour des films catastrophes des années 70, La Bande Son explore une partie des autres collaborations de John Williams dans ce 3ème et dernier épisode de cette série spéciale qui lui était consacrée !
- Emissions
- La Bande Son
- LA BANDE SON - John Williams ses autres collaborations
Publié le par Génération FM
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes
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Talk Toomey with Joshua Toomey
In the world of music podcasting, there are basically two categories - podcasts by fans, and podcasts by famed musicians that have reached the pinnacle of success. Somewhere in the middle of that is the Talk Toomey podcast. Hosted by Joshua Toomey, who previously was a member of national recording artists Primer 55, Talk Toomey avoids the pitfalls of fandom and the backslapping glad handing that comes from successful bands shamelessly talking to each other. Instead, you get focused, powerful and real looks into “the inner circle” of being a hard rock/heavy metal band, complete with questions most are too afraid to ask because their experience doesn’t meet or exceed the level needed to ask and relate. Talk Toomey has been regularly hailed as a top show since the onset, being highlighted on sites like Blabbermouth, Brave Words, etc. Talk Toomey is released for music fans free every Thursday!
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"Let The Music Speak"
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The Guitar Shop Podcast
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West Coast Fog
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