We humans dont enjoy talking about suicidal thoughts (specially men who are the population with the highest suicidal rate). The most awkward thing is that if don't talk about it - it becomes worst for people struggling in silence and shame.

About Chris Haill

My guest is Chris Haill founder of MindForce - a couple of years ago, he was running his own company, developing new business in media and publishing. 

I remember clearly the day I met Chris in February 2020 - some days before a life changing event had occurred to him. This was also an important moment for me to reflect on this brief conversation that had a long lasting impact on me… after a long battle of depression, Chris became a suicide survivor.

If you wish to #justreachout contact Chris Haill via his LinkedIn profile or the MindForce DXB LinkedIn page or Chris.Haill@mindforceuae.com 
About Mindforce:

MindForce is a business platform dedicated to helping people of all nationalities, religions and economic backgrounds to address mental illness and addiction problems. MindForce offers help, support and advice, not just to recover but to get people's lives back on track.

Mindforce is based in Dubai, UAE https://mindforceuae.com/ 

If you wish to discuss partnerships or business opportunities with MindForce, contact, Simon Walker at Simon.Walker@mindforceuae.com or through the MindForce DXB LinkedIn profile.
The key questions answered by Chris Hail:

  • What are the groups that are most affected with high suicide rates?
  • What are the origins of suicidal thoughts - is it the same for young people vs the 40+?
  • Why is it a shame to talk about suicide still today?
  • The series 13 reasons why was speaking about suicide in teens - according to the producers the aim was to create awareness but many reacted negatively - what is the right way to create awareness?
  • Suicide rate in men is higher than in women - I got the impression that we men have a hard time to open up about their struggles… is that true?
  • How can we provide peer support: a friend of somebody in our family with symptoms of suicidal thoughts
  • If you had a magic wand - how would you impact the numbers of people dying of suicide?
  • What is the mission of MindForce, what type of support can people having suicidal thoughts get?


This episode of Learn With Bessern is hosted by Ivan Palomino

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