Micromanaging is a hard habit to break. You may downplay your propensities by labeling yourself a “control freak” or by claiming that you just like to keep close tabs on your team, but those are poor excuses for excessive meddling.
For starters, let's agree that there are in fact very little things that we can control, especially in the world of work. Where essentially our main job as leaders is to manage, motivate, inspire and lead our teams. Being a micromanager and controlling every step is just simply not an effective use of your time as a leader. And let's be real this need to control stems from fear, fear of failing as well as lack of trust. And these issues are coming from something beyond the working space. These obstacles are the ones stopping you from being an awesome leader. The fact that these people who have a tendency to control are often the ones who are dealing with their own anxiety.
Controlling other people is a means to alleviate it to make it a little bit more relaxed. Individuals who have control over their emotions are better managers and have a better work-life balance than individuals who stress about taking care of their emotions.
In todays fast moving world every business has to come up with unique innovations in order to stay profitable and continue to grow in the market. Some managers panic with the thought of failing which results in them getting anxious and controlling their team.
Managers must learn to trust their employees and be flexible with them in order to avoid being a know it all and to start managing well.
This episode of Learn With Bessern is hosted by Ivan Palomino and Elena Agaragimova
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