Imagine a team where every member is intrinsically motivated, energized, and driven to excel. They're not just working for a paycheck, but because they believe in the work, the purpose, and the impact they create.

The reality is that only 15% of employees worldwide feel engaged at work. This means the majority experience disengagement, which can lead to decreased productivity, higher turnover, and a negative work environment.

Today, the discussion revolves around Viral Leadership strategies to turn this vision into reality.

About Jake Baadsgaard

Jake, the founder and CEO of Disruptive Advertising, is a highly acclaimed Digital Marketing Agency renowned for its exceptional service. His remarkable success is attributed not only to business growth but also to his ability to lead a motivated team.

Jake's unique approach to leadership has propelled Disruptive Advertising to the forefront of the digital marketing industry.

Reach out Jake:

On LinkedIn 

On Disruptive Advertising 



What We Discussed in the Episode on Intrinsic Motivation:

- Are corporate teams facing greater motivational challenges today?
- Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation: A leadership perspective
- Key leadership behaviors for fostering team motivation
- Empowering employees: Strategies for autonomy and ownership
- Tackling demotivating factors in teams.
- Motivating remote or hybrid teams: Effective leadership tips
- Applying marketing expertise to boost motivation organization-wide




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About the Growth Hacking Culture Podcast

The Growth Hacking Culture Podcast is a series of insightful interviews with prominent experts on mindsets, skills and mental resources to grow individually, lead motivated teams and create human-centric work cultures. These episodes are about thought provoking ideas to scale up and growth hack human-centric and performing work cultures. Hosted by Ivan Palomino.


This episode is sponsored by:

PeopleKult [behavioral science, tech and analytics to scale up the next generation work culture]

The Cornerstone Advisory [innovation, performance and growth for future-focused organizations]