In today's digital age, technology transcends the confines of the IT department, integrating into every role—from marketing and sales to customer service and even janitorial staff. This pervasive presence, which we term Tech Omnipresence, prompts a crucial question: Who holds the responsibility for technology in the modern workplace? Is it solely the IT team, expected to be tech wizards for everyone?
About Jim Stevenson [CEO of Bletchley Group]
Meet Jim Stevenson, a renowned expert in Strategy, Transformation, and Growth. As the Founder and CEO of Bletchley Group, an international growth consultancy, Jim believes that while technology is powerful, it should always serve a meaningful purpose.
More about Jim: On LinkedIn or in his website
What We Discussed in this Episode about Tech Omnipresence
- How technology has reshaped workplace responsibilities.
- Challenges in managing technology and its impact on employees.
- The role of CIOs, CTOs, and alternative tech responsibility structures.
- Empowering employees to be tech-savvy and innovative.
- The benefits of "Tech Champions" versus distributed tech ownership.
- Essential skills and mindsets for future tech leaders.
- Preparing for evolving technologies and adaptable responsibility models.
- Anecdotes and case studies on effective tech responsibility.
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