We are living times where many of us ask questions about purpose and happiness - we are living moment of rupture moving away from external motivators such as money & status to alternatives that can give us sustainable happiness - and drives intrinsic satisfaction in our lives

After watching a piece of a Ted Talk The Secret Ingredient to Happiness by Miriam Ismail- I found interesting that somehow I would have more answers about how the feeling of being in control of our lives can contribute to our happiness (and this starts by managing our time).

About Miriam Ismail

Miriam Ismail is a Personal & Professional Coach equipped with the most complete approaches such as meditation, self-hypnosis, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Naturopathy, hypnotherapy, and Time Management. She’s an Entrepreneur, a Published Author, a Speaker and Instructor. She was a Finance College Professor and worked in a Fortune 500 investment firm.  She is a Certified in “Leadership Strategies Coaching” from Harvard University.

If you want to reach Miriam - here is where:

The Precious Time website -> https://www.precioustime.info/ 

Her LinkedIn Profile -> https://www.linkedin.com/in/miriam-ismail-joueidi/

Watch her Ted Talk -> https://youtu.be/CBiKjdavRlY 


What we talked about:

  • The ‘autopilot syndrome’ - how big is the problem of not having the control of our time in our society?
  • What are the consequences of not having the control of our time?
  • What is the correlation between managing time (life control) and happiness?
  • In our ‘all digital’ way of living - we often get ‘hooked’ but digital can also help us be more efficient - were do we draw the line between the positive and negative of the 'all digital' lifestyle?
  • There are many methods to manage time - what are the ones that you feel are more appropriate to drive long term results?
  • Why is it so difficult for people to take a serious grip on their time management - we always have a good excuse to say ‘I dont have time for that’ but behind there must be more than in the human psychology
  • If I have to start tomorrow taking control of my time - what are the actions that I should be doing?


This episode is hosted by Ivan Palomino -> https://www.ivanpalomino.net/