An innovation culture is crucial for organizational success, fostering shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that encourage creativity and risk-taking. Google is renowned for initiatives like the "20% time" policy, allowing employees to dedicate a portion of their work hours to self-directed projects. 3M embraces the "15% rule," granting employees the freedom to pursue personal projects. Amazon's "Working Backwards" approach prioritizes customer-centric innovation, contributing to its constant growth. These companies exemplify how innovation culture fuels progress.
In today's episode - I will be discussing the human side of innovation in order to drive real organizational change driven by employees.
About My Guest - Mykola Takzey
Mykola Takzey has an impressive corporate innovation career, spanning across diverse locations, including Ukraine, Switzerland, Israel, and Belgium. What sets his experience apart is his involvement with organizations facing transformation challenges. Mykola stands out as a unique marketer who seamlessly integrates innovation and human change methodologies. His approach ensures that innovation becomes an integral and ongoing part of the organizational culture, rather than a one-time occurrence.
How to reach out Mykola Takzey
In LinkedIn
What We Discussed in this episode on building innovation that is bottom-up driven:
- Often the psychological aspect of innovation - change coupled with resistance or fear by employees - is disregarded because we oversimplify believing that innovation is the reward that everybody expects - what are the symptoms to expect in organizations where the human side has been overlooked
- Do we have good examples where innovation driven by the top of the organization has been a success? How did they make it work?
- Legend or Truth? Without Steve Jobs Apple would not be one the most innovative companies. Do we need a few good innovators or many micro- innovators in succesful corporations??
- What are the challenges to implement sustainable innovation that is truly coming from the organization [bottom-up innovation]
- What are the usual reasons that companies give not to start a full blown program where people learn and have the resources to bring innovation in their day to day
- What actions should be put in place to build sustainable innovation at work
Bonus content on Innovation
- Building a Customer-Centric Culture: Embracing Agility and Innovation
- About General Electrics Transformation
- A Culture of Innovation Starts with People