In the fast-paced world of technology, a significant gap exists between the skills companies need and the available workforce. This gap arises from various factors: the rapid pace of technological change creates a mismatch in skills among existing employees; there's a global shortage of talent with specific technical skills, leading to fierce competition; and educational institutions often lag behind in preparing graduates for current industry demands. Bridging this gap is essential for ensuring a skilled workforce capable of meeting the evolving needs of the tech industry.
About Vuk Vuckovic
Vuk stands out as a renowned authority in Growth Marketing and CRM, leveraging his expertise as the founder of GrowthOps, previously associated with industry giants like Uber and DeliveryHero. He's acclaimed for championing tech self-learning techniques within organizations.
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What We Discussed in this Episode on Self-learning at Work:
- Essential Skills for Global Corporate Competition
- Modernizing with Digital Skills
- The Vital Role of Meta-Skills in Corporate Success
- Realizing the Vision of Self-Learning Organizations
- Empowering Employees to Stay Updated
- Fostering Tech Skill Development in Teams
- The Cost of Ignoring Tech Skill Gaps in Corporations
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About the Growth Hacking Culture Podcast
The Growth Hacking Culture Podcast is a series of insightful interviews with prominent experts on mindsets, skills and mental resources to grow individually, lead motivated teams and create human-centric work cultures. These episodes are about thought provoking ideas to scale up and growth hack human-centric and performing work cultures. Hosted by Ivan Palomino.
This episode is sponsored by:
PeopleKult [behavioral science, tech and analytics to scale up the next generation work culture]
The Cornerstone Advisory [innovation, performance and growth for future-focused organizations]